Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Making Lemonade...

So I go to Flushing Meadow Park last Saturday thinking that the Dragon Boat Festival was taking place (at least it appeared to be according to the various sites I  checked).  Not a sign of a boat, dragon or otherwise.  But... the sky and clouds were magnificent, and there are remnants of the 1964 Worlds Fair that are decaying in a wonderful way.
Decaying Structure Flushing Meadow Park 1

Handheld HDR... then converted to B&W.  

Decaying Structure Flushing Meadow Park 2
 Just one exposure, and some work with adjustment layers.

Then there's always the old Unisphere -
Unisphere Flushing Meadow Park  

Love that 20mm lens.  And love that digital black and white.   You can tweak out amazing stuff (especially from a 16 bit raw file). The original colors of the fair (as I remember) were blues, oranges and some greens.  Blue and orange being the NY State colors.  this color combination gives me the willies, so black and white is blessing.   

Flushing Meadow is a large flat space, allowing for great amounts of sky to be shown.                 
Reeds and Sky

Thursday, July 14, 2011

robertdanielullmann's photostream

Office Building Reflections 3Office Building Reflections 2Office Building Reflections A Boy and His HatFrench Flag AbstractFinal Flight
Reflected CityPeeling Paint55Frank Gehry Designed Highrise Lower Manhattan Raindrops on Yellow and GreenSerious Yellow
Yellows and GreensYellows and GreensCloudsUprisingWet LeavesStudy in Purple and Green 2
Ornate Ceramic Brickwork NYCOrnate Ceramic Brickwork NYCPurple and GreenUpwardRain Drops ReduxSummer Fire