Saturday, October 30, 2010

Autofocus Whines

I am a very very very satisfied owner (among other cameras) of the Canon 5D Mark II. Recently ran across someone's rant about the failures of the camera's autofocus system to be absolutely perfect and wonderful all the time.
Well...alrighty then.

If you want perfect focus all the time you are living in another universe. No camera offers that, no photographer is capable of it (unless you are in the studio with everything bolted down and the camera on a tripod and even then I've seen people screw up). Not to mention that there are a lot of truly great photographs that aren't that sharp.

Yes, the autofocus will search and fret when the situation is right, which is why we have eyes and the ability to switch the damn thing off and use our eyes and our brains, which seems to be a lost or dying art.

Oh to find the perfect camera - six or seven ounces with a 12 to 800mm f1.4 zoom with a 65 megapixel full frame sensor and an 8"x12" view screen for $199.95.
In the meantime I'm gonna shut up and shoot...

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